The State Duma has approved the draft law providing the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs with the right to determine the procedure of deportation of foreign citizens from the territory of Russia
On November 1, 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia adopted Order No. 828 approving the procedure for a patent decision issuing on the territory of a region of Russia
The Ministry of Labor has published the schedule of reception of applications on increase of the quota for foreign workers in 2018 and the quota for foreign workers from visa countries in 2019 in Moscow
Russian Ministry of internal affairs has adopted the Order on taking a decision on the extension or reduction of the period of temporary stay of a foreign citizen in Russia
On February 4, 2018, the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on processing of foreign labor hire permits and work permits to foreign citizens came into force
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia (CCI of Russia) has sent out a mailing list to its members with an explanation of the terms of applications for work visas
On January 5, 2018, the Resolution of the Government of Russia introducing the principles of a risk-oriented approach to the procedure for migration checks came into force