On November 12, 2017, the Order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs which approves the forms of documents on registration of forced migrants, will come into force
The Ministry of Labor prepared a draft Government Decision on definition of the needs to attract foreign workers from visa countries, including within the priority vocational qualifications groups, as well as approval of quotas for 2018
On November 7, 2017, changes to the distribution of quotas for subjects of the RF for issuance of work permits and work invitation letters for 2017 will enter into force
President Vladimir Putin ordered the Government of Russia to submit to the State Duma a draft law on visa-free entry to Russia for foreign football fans who have a personalized card of the viewer during the World Cup in 2018, by December 18
The State Duma introduced draft laws aimed at counteraction illegal migration and suppressing fictitious legalization, providing criminal liability for fictitious registration
On October 1, Belarus has adopted the new rules for providing information to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus about temporarily staying foreign citizens
The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared a bill on amending the Federal Law "On migration registration of foreign citizens in Russia" based on the recent Resolution of the Constitutional Court of Russia