Currently, contracts with foreign citizens can be concluded for a fixed term or be indefinite. According to the proposed amendments, foreign citizens will be allowed to work in Russia only on the basis of fixed-term employment contracts, the maximum term of which is one year.
According to the explanatory note, one year is enough to complete the tasks for which foreign citizens come to Russia. According to the authors of the initiative, such changes to the legislation will help limit the number of illegal migrants, as well as ensure priority employment for Russian citizens.
It is proposed to leave an exception for highly qualified specialists (HQS). The draft law also proposes to add to the list of information that must be included in the employment contract with the HQS, a condition on indicating the details of the voluntary health insurance contract (policy) or the contract concluded between the employer and the medical organization on the provision of paid medical services to such an employee
The amendments are expected to come into force on March 1, 2025.
We are closely monitoring the consideration of the bill and will inform you about all significant changes and events.
For more information, please contact the consultants of the Confidence Group company.
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