On Thursday 06/16/2022, the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia clarified that the Decree of the President of Russia dated 06/15/2021 No. 364 “On temporary measures to settle the legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in Russia during the period of overcoming the consequences of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)"on the previously suspended terms related to the stay and residence of foreign citizens on the territory of Russia have been extended, continue to be valid.
This suspension is valid until the expiration of 90 days from the date of removal of transport restrictions with foreign states imposed earlier by Russia.
"On May 20, 2022, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1253-r, such restrictions were lifted in relation to Abkhazia, Belarus, DPR, LPR, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Ukraine and South Ossetia. This means that citizens of these states, Those who have not received permits for the right to reside or work in Russia during their temporary stay in Russia must leave Russia by August 17, 2022," the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained.
Thus, despite the removal of temporary restrictions in relation to Ukraine, LDNR, citizens of these states have the right to remain on the territory of Russia after August 17, 2022 even without permits. If they are not registered, they must leave Russia by August 17, 2022.
On June 6, 2022, by Order of the Government of Russia No. 1454-r, the list of states for which the temporary restrictions on transport communications imposed by Russia have been lifted was supplemented by the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic. Citizens of these states who have not received permits for residence and employment must leave Russia no later than September 3, 2022.
Later, the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Irina Volk, explained that citizens of Ukraine, the DPR and the LPR have the right to stay in Russia even after August 17, even without permits, they are not threatened with expulsion.
“They will not be subject to measures related to bringing to administrative responsibility for violating the regime of stay and carrying out labor activities on the territory of Russia, as well as deportation from Russia and restrictions on entry into Russia,” she stressed.
Source: https://tass.ru
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