Citizens of EAEU states and Russia with an unexpunged and outstanding criminal record, as well as those subject to criminal prosecution for such crimes as murder, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, kidnapping, robbery, brigandage, rape, as well as crimes against public safety, against the foundations of the constitutional order and the security of the state, against the peace and security of mankind.
Driving buses, trams, trolleybuses and rolling stock of off-street transport when transporting passengers and luggage will not be possible for persons who have an unexpunged and outstanding criminal record, as well as those who are subject to criminal prosecution for grave and especially grave crimes against public security, against the foundations of the constitutional order and state security, against the peace and security of mankind.
Now, when applying for a job, citizens of the EAEU states, as well as Russia, will be required to present a certificate of no criminal record (certificate of no criminal conviction). For citizens of the EAEU, it must be translated into Russian and certified in the manner prescribed by law.
If the employer receives information from the authorities that this employee is being prosecuted for the crimes listed above, he will have to suspend him from work for the entire period of the criminal case until it is terminated or until the court verdict comes into force.
These categories of employees a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record or the fact of criminal prosecution, or on the termination of criminal prosecution in the prescribed form, will have to present to the employer before September 1, 2023. An employee who has not presented such a certificate will be dismissed on the basis of paragraph 13 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of Russia.
Also under consideration in the State Duma is a draft law on amendments to Article 25 of the Federal Law "On Road Safety". If adopted, citizens of the LDNR, as well as citizens of Kyrgyzstan engaged in entrepreneurial and labor activities directly related to driving, will be given the right to carry out this activity with their national or international driver's licences.
To get a Russian driving licence, as it has become necessary for all professional carriers - holders of foreign and international driving licences, citizens of the LDNR are no longer required.
You can get additional information and the procedure for obtaining these documents from the consultants of Confidence Group company.
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