In continuation of the news about the bill on counter-sanctions submitted to the State Duma (draft N 441399-7 of the Federal Law " On measures of influence (counteraction) against unfriendly actions of the United States of America and (or) other foreign states"), which provides for serious restrictive measures in migration sphere and other spheres for a wide range of foreign countries, we announce the signing of this bill by President of Russia on June, 4, 2018 in a weakened form.
The text of the bill provides for a wide range of possible restrictive measures introduced against the United States and other countries - including in the areas of services, production, international trade. Earlier, a broader list was envisaged, from which the possibility of a ban on entry of foreign citizens into Russia and the attraction of foreign citizens to work in Russia was later excluded.
Among the restrictive measures in the migration sphere, it is assumed that prohibition for American and other foreign companies to perform various types of services (including consulting, jurisprudence and audit) for the state and certain categories of Russian legal entities.
The draft law establishes that the measures of influence are introduced by the Government of Russia upon the decision of the President of Russia as they are needed from among those listed or simultaneously in case of unfriendly actions on the part of the United States or other countries. Thus, the President of Russia will make a decision on introduction of counterforce.
For additional information, please contact consultants of Confidence Group.
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