Recently, a number of media have been spreading false information that citizens of Ukraine, including those living in the territory of the DPR and LPR, in connection with the cancellation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29.12.2018, can now stay in Russia continuously not 180, but only 90 days after entry.
Indeed, the Decree of the Government of Russia dated 20.03.2023 No. 433 "On the recognition of the decree of the Government of Russia dated December 29, 2018 No. 1744" was published on 20.03.2023.
The continuous period of temporary stay in Russia for Ukrainians permanently residing in the territories of certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions was increased to 180 days from the date of each entry by the canceled decree.
But the abolition of this decree does not mean that the standard for all visa-free foreign citizens terms of temporary stay in Russia of 90 days in total during each period of 180 days, established by paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens 115-FZ, have been returned. The fact is that the terms of their stay at the moment are not limited at all in accordance with the decree of the President of Russia dated 27.08.2022 No. 585 "On temporary measures to regulate the legal status of citizens of the Donetsk People's Republic, the Lugansk People's Republic and Ukraine in the Russian Federation". We wrote about the release of this decree and its content earlier in our news.
In addition, Government decrees may not contradict the Constitution, laws of Russia and presidential decrees. If the Decree of the Government of Russia dated 20.03.2023 No. 433 "On the repeal of the Decree of the Government of Russia of December 29, 2018 No. 1744" had not been canceled, it would contradict the above-mentioned Presidential Decree No. 585 of 27.08.2022.
Thus, while Presidential Decree No. 585 is in force, nothing changes for citizens of Ukraine staying on the territory of Russia - they can stay in Russia without term restrictions, regardless of their place of residence and permanent registration.
Confidence Group specialists closely monitor changes in Russian migration legislation, including the situation related to Presidential Decree No. 585 and other regulatory legal acts regulating the stay of Ukrainian citizens in the territory of Russia. We will notify you immediately if any changes arise.
For more information, please contact the consultants of the Confidence Group company.
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