The consideration of the draft law was postponed many times, and finally on July 10, 2024, the draft law was rejected.
According to the conclusion of the Committee for the Protection of Family, Fatherhood, Motherhood and Childhood, this bill contradicts the provisions of the Constitution of Russia and the Federal Law of April 28, 2023 No. 138-FZ "On Citizenship of Russia", according to which Russian citizenship is uniform and equal regardless of the grounds for acquisition, and thereby makes the emergence of the right to maternity (family) capital dependent on the date of acquisition of citizenship, thereby introducing a discriminatory norm that gives rise to inequality of citizens, which is unacceptable.
We remind you that in 2023, another draft law was also submitted for consideration concerning the right to receive maternity capital, providing for the emergence of the right to receive maternity capital only for persons who have Russian citizenship at the time of the birth of the child, and only if the child is a citizen of Russia by birth (more details in our news). Unlike the rejected draft law, this law was adopted and entered into force on January 1, 2024.
For more information, please contact the consultants of the Confidence Group company.
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