In accordance with the general procedure, a temporary residence permit can be issued to a foreign citizen for a period of 3 years based on a quota allocated to him, annually approved by the government of the constituent entity of Russia, in which he is supposed to live/work
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BUSINESS package - from 110 000 ₽
VIP package - 170 000 ₽ - All inclusive!
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Services included in the package |
![]() BASIC package from 50 000 ₽ |
![]() BUSINESS package from 110 000 ₽ |
![]() VIP package 170 000 ₽ |
Preliminary consultation, selection of grounds for obtaining a residence permit |
+ | + | + |
Preliminary consultation, leading the process of paperwork in English |
– | – | + |
Departure to the Customer's office for consultation, including in English |
– | – | + |
Sending complete information about the paperwork process, including: list of documents, deadlines, pre-appointment for submission, application forms, planning |
+ | + | + |
Accompany to State authorities to enter missing information about previously issued migration documents into databases |
– | – | + |
Consultation on obtaining a certificate of knowledge of Russian language, history, the basics of Russian legislation |
+ | + | + |
VIP support during the exam on knowledge of Russian language, history, and the basics of Russian legislation, as well as obtaining the prepared certificate, payment of its cost |
– | – | + |
Consultation on passing medical examination |
+ | + | + |
Accompany during the process of medical examination, including payment of the State fee |
– | – | + |
Accompany during the fingerprint registration procedure |
+ | + | + |
Verification of the foreign citizen in databases (including the absence of grounds for refusing a residence permit) |
– | + | + |
Consultation on obtaining specific documents in different countries of the world, as well as in Russian State authorities |
+ | + | + |
Consultation on the correction of documents in Russian State authorities (Multifunctional Public Services Center, Civil registration office, Archive institutions) |
– | + | + |
Correction of documents in Russian State authorities (Multifunctional Public Services Center, Civil registration office, Archive institutions) |
– | – | + |
Translation and notarization of documents (passport, birth/marriage certificate, diploma) |
– | – | + |
Preparation of a complete package of documents |
+ | + | + |
Filling out the Application and other forms |
+ | + | + |
Payment of the State fee |
– | – | + |
Online registration for submission of documents (if available) |
+ | + | + |
Accompany for making an appointment for the submission of documents (if receiving the ticket in person is required) |
– | + | + |
Accompany in the submission of documents |
+ | + | + |
Guarantee of submission of documents at the first visit* |
– | + | + |
Tracking the deadlines for the preparation of documents, informing the Customer |
+ | + | + |
Accompany for obtaining prepared documents |
– | + | + |
Advising on actions necessary after obtaining a residence permit, including the procedure for registration, annual confirmation of residence and income |
+ | + | + |
Accompany for registration at the place of residence |
– | – | + |
Tracking the deadlines for submitting documents for the subsequent stages of legalization of the foreign citizen |
+ | + | + |
Solving complex, non-standard issues |
– | – | + |
Delivery of documents from/to the customer's office |
– | + | + |
Consultations on employment, implementation of labor activity, hiring, dismissal, changes in the region of residence, entry and stay in Russia of accompanying family members, etc. |
– | – | + |
* does not apply to cases beyond the control of Confidence Group (incomplete/incorrect provision of information, violations of Russian legislation, failures in the operation of databases/termination of acceptance of documents by employees of State authorities for any reason, including technical, etc.)
Any service that is not included in the relevant package can be provided for an additional fee. It is also possible to provide the following services within any package:
- delivery of documents from/to unfriendly countries;
- accompany for submitting/receiving documents at State authorities in a business or premium class car;
- tracking the deadlines for submitting annual notifications of proof of residence and income.
Obtaining a temporary residence permit under the quota
A temporary residence permit is a document that allows a foreign citizen to live and work for 3 years in the territory of the entity that issued this document.
The grounds for obtaining a temporary residence permit are specified in Articles 6, 115 of the Federal Law of 25.07.2002 "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Territory of Russia". Both quota and quota-free grounds are among them.
If a foreign citizen has no grounds for applying for a temporary residence permit in a simplified manner, the only way to obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia is to apply for a quota approved annually by the Government of Russia, and, if the result is positive, apply for a temporary residence permit based on the quota allocated to him.
Please note that the foreign citizen needs to go through the following stages of legalization in Russia if the final goal of the foreign citizen is to obtain citizenship of Russia:
1. Getting a quota.
2. Obtaining a temporary residence permit based on the allocated quota.
3. Residence in Russia for at least 8 months from the date of receiving the temporary residence permit.
4. Obtaining a residence permit.
5. Residence in Russia for at least 5 years.
6. Obtaining citizenship of Russia.
How to get a quota for a temporary residence permit
The quota for obtaining a temporary residence permit is approved annually by the Government of Russia and distributed among the constituent entities of Russia in accordance with the needs and demographic situation in the region.
The quota in all subjects of Russia, as a rule, is approved in the amount of 30000 to 40000 temporary residence permits annually. The quota is allocated in the amount of not more than 2000 units for each of the subjects annually for the main subjects of Russia, such as Moscow, Moscow region, Saint Petersburg, and Leningrad region.
There are many times more people wishing to receive a quota for obtaining a temporary residence permit, and therefore, obtaining it becomes a very difficult process, where each individual candidate for obtaining it is considered by the Commission based on criteria approved by the Government of Russia.
The Decree of the Government of Russia dated 29.12.2020 No. 2345 "On approval of the Rules for determining, adjusting and redistributing between the subjects of the temporary residence permit in Russia to foreign citizens and stateless persons, establishing and using its reserve and the Rules for distributing the quota for issuing temporary residence permits to foreign citizens and stateless persons in Russia by commissions, formed in the constituent entities of Russia" came into force on 14.01.2021.
In accordance with the new rules, the decision on the distribution of the quota for a temporary residence permit is made by voting. Priority in the distribution of quotas is given to law-abiding and educated foreign citizens.
Among the main criteria, the following are also considered:
• work in one of the constituent entities of Russia for at least 6 months in total in each year, for 3 years. At the same time, the employer of a foreign citizen must pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of Russia;
• the absence of facts of violation of the law in the applicant's biography;
• the presence of a specialty or profession, its relevance in the labor market;
• availability of a legal source of income;
• availability of education/qualifications in another state;
• the presence of relatives-citizens of Russia living in Russia, as well as the presence of living quarters in Russia.
Please note that even full compliance with the above criteria does not guarantee a quota for a temporary residence permit and considering the deterioration of diplomatic and other relations between states, citizens of such states may be denied a quota for citizenship.
Also, when deciding on the allocation of a quota for a temporary residence permit, the following factors may be considered:
· the level of relations between the state from which the applicant arrived and Russia, the degree of their stability and trust;
· prevailing foreign policy and domestic political trends influencing migration of the population;
· demographic, cultural, religious and other social characteristics inherent with the indigenous population living in the subject of Russia;
· the criminal situation in the region, etc.
How and where to apply for a quota for a temporary residence permit
As a rule, documents for obtaining a quota are submitted in the first days of each month and no later than the 5th day of the month in which the meeting of the quota commission is expected personally by the applicant to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the constituent entity of Russia, in which he is supposed to live/work.
The commission considers the applications of foreign citizens within a month. If the result is positive, the commission posts lists of happy owners of the coveted quota for obtaining a temporary residence permit in the territorial division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within 1-2 weeks after the completion of the commission, as a rule.
You can apply for a residence permit based on the allocated quota immediately after finding the name of the foreign citizen in the corresponding list. Please note that the quota allocated for a foreign citizen applies only to the calendar year in which the decision to allocate the quota was made, thus, it is necessary to apply for a temporary residence permit not later than the last appointment day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the current calendar year.
If a foreign citizen has been denied a quota for a temporary residence permit, he can re-submit documents for consideration in the soonest possible time for submitting documents.
The law does not provide grounds for refusing to issue a quota, and, accordingly, it is impossible to appeal the decision to refuse quota issuance in court.
Documents for obtaining a quota for a temporary residence permit
You must provide the following documents to apply for a quota for obtaining a temporary residence permit:
· an application in the established form;
· a copy of the passport or a notarized copy of its translation;
· a copy of the migration card;
· a copy of the notification of arrival at the place of stay.
There is no state fee for consideration of documents for the issuance of a quota for a temporary residence permit.
Where to receive a temporary residence permit under the quota
It is possible to submit a package of documents for a temporary residence permit under a quota only by personally contacting the territorial unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of stay.
Terms for obtaining a temporary residence permit
If a foreign citizen arrived in Russia in a manner requiring a visa, the application for a temporary residence permit is considered for about 4 months from the date of submission of documents. For foreign citizens staying in Russia on a visa-free basis, the period for consideration of documents is 45-50 working days.
Please note that there is pre-appointment for the submission of documents, which is conducted 1-2 months in advance, depending on the number of applications.
List of documents for registration of a temporary residence permit for a capable adult foreign citizen:
· 2 copies of the completed application for the issuance of a temporary residence permit;
· 2 photos sized 35×45 mm;
· identity document + its translation;
· documents confirming that a foreign citizen does not have drug addiction and infectious diseases that pose danger to others, provided for in the list approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of Russia, as well as a certificate of the applicant's absence of a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection);
· a document confirming the absence of a criminal record or, if any, containing information about the crime for which the applicant was convicted (for applicants over 14 years of age). This document is not submitted by a foreign citizen who arrived in Russia in a manner that does not require a visa;
· a document confirming the foreign citizen's proficiency in Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of Russia.
· notification of migration registration + its copy;
· migration card + its copy.
Confirmation of proficiency in Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of Russia
One of the conditions for obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia for foreign citizens is to obtain confirmation of proficiency in Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of Russia.
Who does not need to be tested to confirm proficiency in Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of Russia
The legislation establishes the following list of persons who are not required to be tested:
· incapacitated foreign citizens and stateless persons;
· minor foreign citizens and stateless persons (children under the age of 18);
· men after 65 years and women after 60 years (retirement age);
· participants in the program of resettlement of compatriots;
· foreign citizens and stateless persons who have received the status of a native speaker of Russian language;
· highly qualified specialists (HQS);
· citizens of Belarus;
· citizens of LPR and DPR.
Medical examination for obtaining a temporary residence permit
Foreign citizens wishing to obtain a temporary residence permit must undergo a mandatory medical examination in any medical organization from the list of approved organizations in the relevant subject of Russia.
Medical examination of foreign citizens and stateless persons is carried out to confirm the presence or absence of drug addiction and infectious diseases that pose danger to others.
The list of infectious diseases that pose danger to others and are the basis for refusing to issue or cancellation of the temporary residence permit is as follows:
· tuberculosis;
· leprosy (Hansen's disease);
· syphilis;
· HIV;
· COVID-19.
Fingerprint registration of foreign citizens
The procedure of fingerprint registration of all foreign citizens who have reached the age of 6 is a mandatory condition for obtaining a temporary residence permit.
As a result of the procedure, a fingerprint card (dactocard) is issued to those persons who entered Russia after 21.12.2021.
Registration at the place of residence/migration registration
After receiving the temporary residence permit, the foreign citizen must apply to the territorial unit of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for registration at the location of the living premises within 7 working days.
Legalization of documents for citizens from countries with visa regime with Russia
When applying for a temporary residence permit for citizens from countries with visa regime with Russia, in addition to their correct completion, their legalization on the territory of Russia is required.
There are two options for this:
· Official documents and acts issued by organizations and institutions of foreign states that are part of the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, are accepted for consideration if they have an apostille.
· Official documents and acts issued by organizations and institutions of foreign states that are not part of the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, are subject to consular legalization.
Annual notification of residency
A foreign citizen who has a temporary residence permit on the territory of Russia, must personally or using public information and telecommunication networks (for example, the State Services portal) submit a notification of confirmation of his residence in Russia attaching a certificate of income, copies of a tax return statement or other document confirming the amount and source of income for the latest year to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within 2 months from the date of expiration of the next year from the date of receipt of the temporary residence permit. Submission of documents through a representative is not provided.
Important: the specified notification can be submitted at a later date in case of admissible excuses, but not later than 6 months from the date of expiration of the next year from the date of receipt of the temporary residence permit. Documents confirming the impossibility of submitting this notification within the prescribed period may be submitted in an electronic form.
Late submission of the notification of residency in Russia is an administrative offense for which a fine with or without administrative expulsion is provided.
What date is considered the date of receipt of the temporary residence permit
The date of receipt of the temporary residence permit is the date of actual stamping in the passport.
Obtaining a temporary residence permit visa
A temporary resident visa is issued to foreign citizens based on a temporary residence permit in Russia. The visa is multiple entry, the validity of the temporary resident visa is equal to the validity period of the temporary residence permit, which is 3 years.
If a positive decision is made to issue a temporary residence permit for a foreign citizen, simultaneously with its receipt, a temporary resident visa will be affixed to his passport.
Please note that a visa is not required for citizens of one of the following countries, in accordance with international agreements providing for visa-free entry for citizens with a temporary residence permit in Russia, namely:
· Germany;
· Bosnia and Herzegovina;
· Republic of Macedonia;
· Mongolia;
· Republic of Croatia;
· Republic of Poland;
· Republic of Serbia;
· Republic of Italy;
· Republic of Turkey;
· Montenegro.
Also, according to the Decree of the President of Russia of June 17, 2008, No. 977 "On the Procedure for Entry into Russia and Exit from Russia of Stateless Persons Residing in the Republic of Latvia or the Republic of Estonia", a stateless person residing in the territory of Latvia and Estonia is not required to apply for a visa.
Rights of a foreign citizen who has received a temporary residence permit
A foreign citizen who has received a temporary residence permit becomes a temporary resident of Russia. The citizen or stateless person having a temporary residence permit can do the following:
· freely enter the territory of Russia and leave the country;
· legally work in a constituent entity of Russia without obtaining a work patent and a work permit;
· register your own company or become an individual entrepreneur;
· get free medical care and visit state medical institutions at the place of residence.
Payment for services can be made both in cash and non-cash in rubles, US dollars, EURO. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, Diners Club bank cards. Payment is also possible by a QR code, as well as via a bank link sent to the customer by e-mail.
Payment can be made in any convenient way, including:
- by transfer to the Contractor’s account, after confirming the service and issuing an invoice for payment, in such currencies as Rubles, USD, EURO.
- by cash at the Confidence Group office.
- by card. We accept the following cards for payment: Visa, MasterCard, MIR after sending the Customer a link to the page of the acquiring bank.

When paying for an order by card, the payment is processed on the bank's authorization page, where you need to enter the following bank card details:
- card type;
- card number;
- card expiration date (it is on the front side of the card);
- the name of the cardholder (in latin letters, exactly as indicated on the card);
- CVC2/CVV2 code.
If your card is connected to the 3D-Secure service, you will be automatically redirected to the page of the bank that issued the card to go through the authentication procedure. For information about the rules and methods of additional identification, please contact the bank that issued your bank card.
The security of processing Internet payments through the bank's payment gateway is guaranteed by the PCI DSS international security certificate. Information is transmitted using SSL encryption technology. This information is not available to third parties.
Tips and recommendations on the necessary security measures for payments using a bank card:
take care of your credit cards the same way you take care of cash. Don't leave them in the car, restaurant, shop, etc.;
never give your full credit card number over the phone to any person or company;
always have at hand the emergency phone number for the bank that issued your card, and in case of loss, contact the bank immediately;
enter your card details only when making a purchase. Never give them for any other reason.
Company details:
Name | Confidence Group Service Company LLC |
Registered address |
107023, Russian Federation, Moscow, internal territorial city municipal district Sokolinaya Gora, Barabanniy per 4, room 17CH |
Actual address |
107023, Moscow, Barabanniy per. 4, office 4 |
INN/KPP | 7702806330 / 771901001 |
OGRN/OKPO | 1137746008047 / 17019713 |
BIC | 044525545 |
Tel/Fax | +7 495 748 7762 | | |
Operation | Monday – Friday. 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. |
Delivery of documents in Moscow
Unless otherwise provided by the Agreement, delivery of documents is carried out free of charge during business hours at the actual location of the Customer within the Moscow Ring Road.
The cost of additional delivery at the initiative of the Customer is 900 rubles.
Delivery is carried out within 1-2 days from the receipt of the corresponding request.
Delivery in other regions of Russia
Delivery in other regions of the provision of services is carried out in accordance with the terms of the Agreement with the Customer.
Documents can also be delivered to the Customer by the CSE, DHL and other delivery services, the cost of delivery in this case depends on the cost of the courier service.