Confidence Group would like to draw your attention on the negative trend arisen in the summer 2016. The Department on immigration issues of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia claims unreasonable requirements for foreign citizens and their accompanying family members on the immigration registration
The meeting between Alexander Gorovoy, the first vice-minister of Internal Affairs of the RF in charge of immigration issues, and the Chief of the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia, representatives of public organizations for immigration issues and the scientific communities concerned with immigration in Russia, was hold
On August 27, the Agreement between the Government of the RF and the Government of the Republic of El Salvador (El Salvador) on the conditions of cancelation of visa requirements for mutual trips of citizens of Russia and citizens of El Salvador, signed on March 26, 2015 in Guatemala, came into force
Starting from September 01, 2016 the details for payment of the state duty for the issue of permits on foreign labor hire, work permits for foreign citizens and stateless persons, invitations and multiple visas for crossing the Russian border, paid in the Department on migration issues of Russian Interior Ministry (previously FMS) were changed
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